Tuesday, February 5, 2013

lazy class valentines

Since I smother my kids with kissess all day long, I'm pretty sure they know I love them.  So......i find the older my kids get, the lazier I am getting with valentine crafts.   In fact, all I do is  gather a few cute candies and throw them in these felt valentine bags from Pottery Barn Kids that I re-use every year.  I do search for a funny card for each one, but that's about it.  Nevermind making something special for each kid in their class!??  But, if you do, you might appreciate these that are cute, but also supppeeerrrr easy!
Could just cover with a piece of masking tape and write on it with a sharpie.  kids will still love it.
I know, this is from Martha and involves a few steps, just super cute.
Now, this is my kind of baking.

Important note!  That is a pixie stick not a straw!  In other words, don't try to give only water.  unless you are willing to bet they won't "accidentally" pour it on you.
Now, that looks easy and cute!
Again, despite being from Martha, these are just a downloadable printable.  shouldn't be too hard.  they are just too cute not to include.

These should come with a warning as well: You might need to add some pop rocks or something to these so the kids don't throw them at you.
 And last but not least:
done and done! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013


  Einstein had only white shirts and the same color pants and jackets, so he would have one less thing to think about in the morning.  pretty smart.
What is your winter uniform?  Here's what I have whittled my winter uniform down to.  
1. blazer.  you can't mess this up. 
 Not only does it make whatever your wearing look instantly put together; it's actually really warm.  

2. Cashmere.  Since i base most of my wardrobe decisions on warmth.  It may be expensive but you will wear it all the time, so it pays for itself!    warm sweater=good.
3.White button down.  This is really more spring/summer, but, they go with everything and look good on everyone. And, you can wear it under your blazer or sweater! They are surprisingly hard to find.  Here are some good ones:)
That's it. plus some skinny jeans, flats or cute boots. I am finally done trying to put together an "outfit" every morning.  Just some variation on this theme and i'm good to go.   Now, it's Tuesday people, I've got to get my uniform on and get back to work! 


i do love me a good calendar.  the old fashioned kind.  here are some really old fashioned ones i've collected.  I love reading about old appointments and reminders.  A glimpse into a long ago life.   This one is just a notepad, but, appropriate for to-do tuesday... it's got a "to-do" list!  ...."A coat for ma" ~so sweet!!  the scribbles were added by my 4 year old..
This one is from the 60's and is complete with recipes and household tips~priceless!

I've actually tried this doughnut recipe and it was super easy and mmm they were good!! I substituted coconut oil for the lard, so i'm sure they were even healthy:) 
This one is from 1913, 100 years ago!!!!!!! 
Look what was in there!  A map of Indian territories, information on the Panama Canal and a list of the worst Sea disasters!!!  Handy stuff!
(yellow=indian reservations!) so cool!
who wouldn't want to know this!:)
I also save all our old family calendars.  It's bittersweet when you look back at all the "important" things you did years ago..and it makes me feel like I am not throwing away a piece of their history.
Ok, now if i can only find my own to-do list......

it takes a village

balancing work and motherhood are harder than i thought!  I never want to compromise my family life for work, I never want to miss a minute with them.   There will be a time when they are grown and all I have is free time, and I will miss the crazy life!  But, I still like to have a foot in the door, so I am not a weeping puddle of mush, when they eventually do grow up and leave me! perish the thought!!!
Conventional wisdom holds that there is a huge chunk of time while my kids are at school that I should be able to be productive in~but, never seem to be.  Could it be that laundry, dishes, cleaning, shopping, cooking, social and school obligations are so consuming, that there is nothing left for "work"... YES.
so, i have decided to hire a bit of help.    I found a wonderful  service through Berkeley Parents Network that fit me with the right person.  Her name is Esmerelda.  Isn't that the greatest name?! I think that was Samantha's mother's name on Bewitched!  Oh, I did love that show! I feel like I twitched my nose and she magically appeared.  She comes twice a week for a few hours and helps me with laundry, cleaning and cooking!  That's twice a week I can focus completely on work while the kids are in school.  I am over the guilt of having someone help me run the house.  It is a full time job, and if I am trying to start a business, I am going to have to delegate some of my other responsibilities until it is up and running. (and maybe long after:).   I feel lucky to have found her, and she feels the same about us!  
I think we as mother's try to do it all.  And I think we can have it all, we just forget where we put it sometimes!  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

sorry; so frustrating to carve out time to post and find your internet is down!  It's been out since Wednesday! i am currently in the library with my littlest posting this in a distracted haste.  Despite her showing me a book every 5 seconds, this is a surprisingly agreeable place to work.  no one is here, she is relatively entertained and I am not staring at a pile of dishes in my kitchen.  maybe this will be my new hangout:)  
here is a plethora of goodies for you since it will be a few days worth. Happy 3 F's day! No, not my kids report card; Happy Friday the First day of February!  ooops, my nerd is showing..
first off, treat yourself to something pretty this month:
how funny are these!?
Like the yummy ones at Sunnyside in Tahoe!
Where are you going this year?  I'd like to go herehere and here ~ a girl can dream right?
i'll take everything here please
I'd like to make one of these for our entry way!
And finally, a little color for you
Happy Friday!